
Fathom 4 is proud to have been awarded a prime contract on SeaPort-e, the Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. Fathom 4’s contract is currently for SeaPort-e Zone 3, which encompasses South Carolina, North Carolina, and Southern Virginia.

This webpage will contain all contact information for task orders awarded to Fathom 4 on SeaPort-e contract number N00178-14-D-7285.

Teaming Information

Fathom 4 does not currently have team members for the SeaPort-e contract, but subcontractors can be added quickly by the SeaPort-e PMO when it makes good business sense.

Service Experience

The table below depicts the 15 SeaPort-e Functional Areas within Fathom 4’s area of expertise:

Fathom 4 Areas of Expertise

3.2 Engineering, System Engineering, and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation, and Checkout
3.20 Program Support


Customer Satisfaction Information

In order to obtain customer satisfaction information on the services performed by Fathom 4, please contact Glenn Chave (glenn at fathom4 dot com) or Brian Burger (brian at fathom4 dot com) who will provide the appropriate Point(s) of Contact.

Task Order Information


Quality Assurance Program

Fathom 4 employs a quality assurance program to ensure the highest level of quality in our deliverables and work processes. In addition to developing a Quality Assurance Plan specific to each project, Fathom 4 implements the following management approaches to guarantee repeatable, desired results:

  • Performance and Metrics Analysis. Through proper planning, the technical project management team will always establish the initial project metrics and ensure the customer is in agreement. Fathom 4 personnel then determine the most efficient and automated process to monitor and compile the data. The data is then analyzed at regular intervals for continuous improvement initiatives. Once an improvement event has been deemed necessary, the team develops a plan to implement the event with not only the expected results, but the steps to achieve ‘buy-in’ from the actual workforce. The implementation will be further monitored and analyzed to determine if the proposed return on investment is being achieved.


  • Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Methodology. Both Fathom 4 owners are certified LSS Green Belts, and encourage LSS methods to be employed wherever possible to continually improve our processes and procedures. An example: Early in 2013, Fathom 4 employed Six Sigma Kaizen events to gather change management data for incorporation into a Navy Command’s Configuration Management (CM) Plan. We performed identical Kaizen events for their N53, N54, and N6 Department personnel, efficiently gathering the “standard change” events in use across the command, and capturing them for insertion into the CM Plan. The results of these Kaizen were similar and consistent, due to the repeatable process used to gather them. The CM plan was approved for release and is now an active Command Instruction.

SeaPort-e POC information

To obtain more information on the services performed by Fathom 4 on the Seaport-e contract, please contact Fathom 4 co-owners Glenn Chave (glenn at fathom4 dot com) or Brian Burger (brian at fathom4 dot com).